Adv. Moti Markovich is a financial consultant, who has been accompanying selected transactions for over a decade, Focusing on debt restructuring of both companies and individuals, as well as raising capital. Taking care of your interests Our firm provides a comprehensive solution relating to the treatment of a company or individual, or a controlling shareholder or minority owners, Starting with performing macro and micro analyses, through direct conduct vis-à-vis the banks, or The various lending entities (including bondholders) and up to financial handling of the required transaction.
In addition, our firm provides solutions for the execution of regular transactions, including transactions defined as “changing hands”, or a desire to promote the business development of the company or individual. Transactions that go far Adv. Moti Markovich has very important experience with the conduct of the various entities within the banking system in Israel, including with leading institutional entities.
This experience shows that the wisdom of making a deal is not only in its construction and closing stages, but mainly in its ability to exist afterwards.
Over the years, our firm has accompanied significant transactions for both individuals and companies, starting with the acquisition of real estate assets Or debt restructuring of a few million dollars, to financial support from municipalities and work with the Land Authority Israel, the Ministry of Finance, and the Ministry of Construction and Housing in transactions worth billions of shekels.
In addition, our firm has practical experience in providing financial support related to the construction of condominium buildings with a market value of hundreds of millions of shekels, with the participation of “lending banks”. It’s all people, handling complex real estate transactions and financing
Require dealing with conflicting interests.
Adv. Markowitz has extensive knowledge and experience in all matters pertaining to managing complex legal and economic contacts and proceedings vis-à-vis State authorities as well as funding bodies.
This, combined with the ability to understand and listen to the customer, gives the customer the Peace of mind and the sense of security that his money is in good hands.