Motti Marcovits

Welcome to the office of Mordechai H. Markovits!
You are welcome to read and hear about our fields and we will be happy to help you.

Lawyer Mordechai Marcovits

Mordechai H. Markovich Law Offices is a law firm that provides holistic legal services (One Stop Shop), which includes, inter alia, counsel in the fields of civil and commercial law, Israeli and international.

The firm was founded by Adv. Mordechai Haim Markovich in 2010 and has extensive experience in various legal fields, with emphasis
All areas relating to civil-commercial law as well as laws relating directly to capital, including; Real estate and real estate law, planning and construction law, initiation and accompaniment of real estate and construction transactions, banking and finance law, corporate law, labor law, contract law, recovery and debt arrangements for companies in difficulties, as well as regulation and administrative law, including tenders law, antitrust law
Business and tax law.

Our Expertise

Real Estate, Planning, Building and Infrastructure Law

Real Estate, Planning, Building and Infrastructure Law The field of real estate is an interesting field that involves an important combination of administrative law

Labor Law

The activity of this field in our firm reflects the purpose of our firm as a center that provides holistic legal services (one stop shop) to our clients

Reinforcing Law Firms and Legal Advisors

Our firm is often asked to provide legal opinions and/or provide ongoing legal backing

Litigation, Arbitration and Dispute Resolution

The law firm deals with litigation and dispute resolution in all judicial instances for clients Israeli and international.

Tax Law

Our firm specializes in advising individuals and firms of all kinds, as tax laws have a fundamental impact on Commercial transactions, as well as on how to finance economic activity.

Commercial Transactions and Contract Law

In the field of commercial transactions and contracts, our firm has experience in conducting domestic and international transactions in the fields of commerce Different.

Cases in which the firm represented
Tailor-made real estate transactions
Satisfied customers
Years of experience in the legal world

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